Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Teaching Plan & Teaching Practice

My last week in USJ-R Basak Campus , Cebu Philippines

Mabuhay everybodyyyyyyyyy
Welcome back to Wilda’s Blog. Again and again.

                  This’s my last week to be here in USJ-R , i felt sad but i felt scary too. Why ? because this week was my teaching practice week. Oh no ! i will teach 5 classes in one day. Huh ! i can do it. Yeah that word i always say it to make my self confident and calm. Alhamdulillah, i was be a teacher student during 1 week. It made me know how many ability that i have espeacially about pedagogy. First class always be experiment class for me. I will see what method is good or i can not use it when i teach in class. Second, third, fourth and fifth class i passed well. My CT said like that. I really felt soft to hear that. My CT only said congratulation teacher wilda you passed your first teaching practice so well. I felt wanna run so far hahahahaha. Daghang salamat po mrs recto .

 My ct guide me to make lesson plan. She is really kind and patience to help me. Yeah we made lesson plan in third week .

My Lesson Plan

2nd Meeting

     A. Mood Setting
·         Teacher and student will be discussing about the homework. The students will be asked volunteerly and teacher will give feedbacks
·         After brainstorming, teacher will connect the previous lesson to the next nwe topic which is about solving Linear Equations Using Addition Property of Equality

    B. Activity Proper
·         Students will watch a video about solve Linear Equations Using Addition Property of Equality   :

·         Teacher gives examples about addition property to students
Solve each equation and then check the result

·         Teacher gives practice activities about addition property to student
Solve each equation

     C.    Closure
·         Teacher will conclude the today’s lesson
      Additon the same number on each side of an equation produces a new equation having the same solution as the original

·         Students will be given math assigment as homework for the next meeting
Solve each equation

Prepared By :

Wilda Rangkuti

Second-third day ,
1.1 Procedure of my teaching
      My practice week used schedule F, thats mean i just had 50 minutes .

  • Greeting 5 minutes.
For greeting, i always say "maayong buntag my gwapaaaaaa (good morning my beautiful) or maayong hapun my gwapo (Good afternoon my handsome)" hehehe

  • Disscused about homework that i gave previous meeting (15 minutes)
I asked student who became a voluteer for answer the homework. And the student explained their answer in front of us

  • after all question already answer. i showed a video that related about my topic ( 15 minutes)

  • After video end , i explained little thing about my topic and make example. (15 minutes)
 Do you know my lovely reader, i just gave one or two example and next example i try student to answer and then many student excited to answer. I never though my student will do that. When many student wannt to answer i really confused to choose one student. This case happened in 5 classes. Espeacially in ST Joseph class , gwapo student. All the boys will hand up when i said “anyone can answer this qeuetion?” i really like you all my gwapa and gwapo student. Because you have big motivation to learn about mathematics.

I always say give applose to my student who have answered the quetion and explaine how to get solution about the quetion. Because i believe when someone is value after they did something that will make other want to try same thing like them.


I always give mixed quetion for my student. Because i wanna see that my students have understood or no about my topic. if my student didnt understand yet, i will explain again and again. I do this like my CT do. Sometimes i just changed number of quention for make them understand. Sometimes also, the classmate will help their classmate to understand what quention they didnt understand yet. I felt happy to know that. My student always care to each other.

Last day to teach.
I made diffrent method to teach for today. I divided the students been 3 group. Every group got one big paper that i gave to them. Every grup discussion about their quetion. And i said if you have quetion u can aks me. I gave them 15 minutes to discussion after that one of them have to explaine all their quetion in front us. One by one group did that.


It’s time to me to say thank you so much to my CT Mrs Recto. Because my teaching pratice week has end. Thank you for helping me during 3 week in your class. Thank you for making me confident when i teached. Huhuhu T.T i really hate this so much. Mrs. Recto i never forget you because you are smart, patient teacher and beautiful teacher hehehehe.

FYI my lovely reader,I came again to my 5 classes before i go back to Indonesia because my flight schedule is 9.30 PM so i can meet my gwapa and gwapo students for the last time. My student made a note for me. I thought, ST Joseph wouldnt do that but i false again my gwapo student class made too. From 5 classes i cried in 3 classes. I already said to my self that i wouldnt cry but i gave up. I cried in front my student : OLCON,ST.Aguestine (SA), ST. Monica. Why you made me cryyyyyyyyyyyyy. For OLCON adn SA, they sang a song for me. They really make me want to stay in USJ-R more day. But i can not do that i have to go back because i have paid my flight hahaha. Charot.

I dont know before that my student missed my greeting. When i said “Maayong Buntag my gwapa/gwapo” all of them excited. Someone of them said “teacher, i miss u so much”. I always say my gwapa or gwapo to call my student. I also did it when they noisy. Yeah when they heard that they were silent. I just made one thing make they are happy. I learned their language ; bisayak language. We hug each other. I love you all my students and my CT. I can not say anything how lucky i am can meet you. I got good experience from you all.

St. Monica


St. Joseph

St. Augustine

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